Sí, esta suma interesante de Jeff Moss, el tan conocido hacker y a su vez, fundador y director del DEFCON, ha sido designado como el Chief Security Officer de ICANN.
A partir de hoy, 20110429, el sistema de asignación de numeros y nombres de dominio, el sistema DNS, IPv6, backbones y demás entran en un nuevo proceso de ciberseguridad, lidereado por uno de los principales íconos hackers en la historia de Internet.
¿Hay algo malo en esta decisión? Por supuesto que no! El DEFCON (¡tienen que ir!) es una de las principales fuentes de conocimiento con respecto a las tendencias en temas de seguridad (off topic) y que te permite tener una visión de qué viene en materia de aquéllos riesgos aún no previstos. SIn duda alguna, buen semillero para los headhunters de las autoridades preocupadas por los temas de ciberseguridad.
¡Como bien dicen, si quieres proteger algo, contrata a aquél que tiene la visión de encontrar los problemas de seguridad!
La suma DEFCON (la más grande y antigua reunión de hackers en el mundo) + ICANN (la corporación que se dedica a la asignación de nombres y números de Internet) = Seguridad
Enhorabuena, sin duda alguna, es una decisión excelente que el grupo directivo de ICANN ha realizado!
Mi preocupación… ¡por favor que el DEFCON siga siendo uno de los mejores eventos de reunión de hackers a nivel mundial! … y BTW, ¡nos vemos este 2011 en el DEFCON 19!
Las palabras oficiales de ICANN al respecto de esta asignación, son:
28, 2011
Jeff Moss Appointed ICANN Chief Security Officer
Respected Hacker to Lead Risk Management Efforts
Jeff Moss, founder of DEF CON, the world’s largest hacker conference, and Black Hat, a global technical security conference, has been named Vice President and Chief Security Officer of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the multinational non-profit organization working for a secure, stable and unified global Internet.
“I can think of no one with a greater understanding of the security threats facing Internet users and how best to defend against them than Jeff Moss,” said Rod Beckstrom, ICANN’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “He has the in-depth insider’s knowledge that can only come from fighting in the trenches of the on-going war against cyber threats.”
The appointment received immediate support across a range of organizations and interests.
“This is a great hire for ICANN. Jeff’s been in the infosec community since the dawn of time and not only knows where the weak spots are but also how they got that way, and what needs to be done and by whom,” said Paul Vixie, Chairman and Chief Scientist at the Internet Systems Consortium. “He’s the ideal person to drive ICANN’s security agenda.”
“In the area of network security, Jeff Moss knows the problems, knows the people and brings remarkable energy,” said Steve Crocker, a leading expert on DNS security and Vice Chair of ICANN’s Board of Directors. “I’m looking forward to having him apply his talents in the ICANN community.”
“The global threats to the Internet’s Domain Name System are in essence the digital cold war of the new millennium,” said Merlin Hay, member of the British House of Lords and Chairman of the Information Society Alliance. “To win this war we need someone like Jeff Moss who understands the hacker’s mindset and has the international experience to grasp that today’s online attacks can come from just about anywhere on the planet.”
“Jeff Moss’ selection as ICANN’s Chief Security Officer is an outstanding choice,” said Linton Wells, Director of the Center for Technology and National Security Policy (CTNSP).“Too often, Internet security experts don’t understand the motivations and mindsets of those who pose an online threat to Internet users. Jeff has shown time and again that he not only understands hackers, but that he also truly gets why they do what they do. I look forward to working with him.”
Moss has been a self-proclaimed hacker for over 20 years. Prior to his work with Black Hat and DEFCON, he was a Director at the Secure Computing Corporation, where he established the professional services department in Asia, Australia and the United States. He also worked in the information system security division of Ernst & Young, LLP.Throughout his career he has used his skills and understanding of the hacking community and its methods to help organizations secure their global networks. “I’m looking forward to bringing my skill sets to ICANN,” said Moss. “Its role in coordinating the global Internet addressing system means that it is positioned to become the leader in identifying and dealing with online threats to the Domain Name System that could affect two billion global Internet users.”
Moss has organized technical security conferences around the globe, in locations such as the
Netherlands, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, and Singapore.Moss graduated from Gonzaga University with a BA in Criminal Justice. He currently serves as a member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He will begin working out of ICANN’s Washington, D.C. offices on April 29, 2011.
Fuente: ICANN
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